STEP 1 Ascertain yield of affected field by obtaining packout report from packing house.
STEP 2 Ascertain price received by box or cartons shipped, and check for quality adjustments.
STEP 3 Ascertain market price by obtaining state or federal reports or reports from established farmer organization such as a tomato committee or Florida citrus mutual.
STEP 4 Ascertain from farmer when he believes crop should have picked but for event affecting crops.
STEP 5 Try to find field of identical variety planted in same season by your farmer which he believes was unaffected by whatever harmed first field.
STEP 6 Calculate yield of field by segregating packout records and, using identical method used in ascertaining yield in first field, and check for quality variance.
STEP 7 Assuming rolls of plastic of same length were used in both fields, compare boxes picked per roll of fields to ascertain difference in yields.
STEP 8 Multiply difference in yields by market price to obtain gross loss.
STEP 9 Give credit for salvage or dollars received for affected field.
STEP 10 Subtract from gross loss figure picking, packing costs and commissions that would have been incurred but were not because crop did not produce.
STEP 11 Review formula: value of the crop to be raised less salvage, and less any costs which would have been incurred but were not, adding interest from date of last pick.