A farmer’s guide for calculating plant loss

By |2018-11-13T08:52:28-05:00November 11th, 2013|Agriculture, Business, Law|

On the Martin Law website, we offer a resource page to help clients when they are preparing for a case. One of the important processes we feature in this section is how to calculate plant loss.  Our office represents farmers as the plaintiff’s lawyer, and often our claims are against large companies, like chemical companies. [...]

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A more personal approach: What I do is all about relationships

By |2018-11-13T08:52:30-05:00May 29th, 2013|Agriculture, Community, Law|

There are many fields of law, and in most of these fields attorneys will spend a great deal of time with their clients.  It’s a necessary step for providing effective representation.  The law is personal.  We stay with our clients for months and in some cases years, so it’s imperative we develop a trusting relationship [...]

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Success story: An occasion when a judge reversed his decision

By |2018-11-13T08:52:30-05:00May 24th, 2013|Agriculture, Law|

Sharing your successes is important in business.  It strengthens your relationship with your clients and allows your team to celebrate their accomplishments.  We’ve had a recent success that I thought might be interesting for our readers. It involves a Phoenix potato farmer I represent.  […]

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Why honesty with your lawyer is key

By |2018-11-13T08:52:30-05:00May 24th, 2013|Law|

Honesty is a key component in a successful attorney – client relationship.  There is a difference between honesty and accuracy when it comes to reviewing testimony, especially with eye witness testimony.  If there is a car accident and there are five eye witnesses, you will hear five different versions of what happened.  Witnesses will see [...]

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Why it’s important for lawyers to be personable and accessible

By |2018-11-13T08:52:30-05:00April 23rd, 2013|Law|

At the Martin Law Office, we want our clients to feel comfortable at every interaction with us.  Our new website and integration of social media sites and a company blog, were selected to enhance our clients’ comfort.   Prospective clients can get to know us before making a decision to hire our firm and our existing [...]

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Why the jury looks for overwhelming evidence

By |2018-11-13T08:52:31-05:00April 23rd, 2013|Law|

Having practiced law for so many years, I can tell you one similarity among juries: they have a thirst for facts.  Whether the facts are subliminal or overt, the jury is looking for something overwhelming.  What drives this quest can be many things, such as being unfamiliar with the topic of the case, knowing that [...]

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