The Florida Future Farmers of American Association held its tenth annual Beast Feast on March 23.  As a board member of the FFA Foundation, it’s certainly one I look forward to every year.  What sets this gathering apart from others are the many events within the event, with activities like the silent auction, a variety of entertaining exhibits, and a food selection that few events can match.  Many of us who help with the event do so because this organization helped us when we were students, so we know firsthand the value this association provides.  It benefits a group of outstanding young people and will directly impact our future as a community.

This year’s Beast Feast was held to benefit the Florida FFA Leadership Training Center (LTC).  Our Leadership Training Center is located on the beautiful grounds of Lake Pierce.  It serves as a unique setting for a variety of meetings, workshops, and conferences for the FFA and also other organizations.  It’s a welcome alternative to a typical meeting venue and provides an excellent opportunity for leadership development and team-building.

As a community, it’s imperative that we support organizations like the FFA.  Since its founding in 1928, the FFA has evolved with the times and offers programs that help members explore their interests in a broad range of career paths.  What began as an association to support future farmers, has grown to an association of future biologists, chemists, veterinarians, and engineers.  For young people, the FFA provides a path to achievement in leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.  The association supports over 15,000 young people across 300 chapters in Florida.  Members participate in nearly 50 leadership development events each year.

You can learn more about Florida’s future in agriculture by visiting the association’s website at

For more personal insight on this year’s FFA Beast Feast, make sure to check out my column in the upcoming April 2013 edition of Central Florida Ag News magazine.