Have you enjoyed any of the fresh Florida produce is famous for lately?  What won’t surprise you is that Florida produces 70% of the nation’s citrus.  But, what you may not know is that our great state produces 80% of the fresh vegetables consumed in the U.S. each January through March. So, chances are you’ve been enjoying fresh Florida produce for this early part of January.  We’re also 11th in the nation for production of beef.  Learn more about Florida produce here.

For some reason though, Florida’s contribution to produce has been some well kept secret.  Fortunately, the Department of Agriculture is working diligently to create awareness about Florida products and in turn is supporting the many local farmers doing business in Florida. The department will be launching another ad campaign that features recipes using products from Florida.  Similar campaigns have been run since the Fresh from Florida initiative was launched several years ago, and they’ve been very successful.

Here are a few more agriculture tidbits… The second largest industry in the state is agriculture. Florida uses 10 million acres of land for farming and ranks 9th for total agriculture sales in the U.S.  Now, that’s something to talk about.