Two recent articles tout the success of the Florida agriculture industry.  In October, WUFT news featured the post Florida’s Agriculture Industry Continues To Grow. The article revealed that Florida ranks second behind California in fresh market vegetable production.  Citing a report released last week by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services as its source, the article shared that Florida has also seen an increase in the sale of oranges, honey and other agriculture commodities.

Florida continues to be the national leader in orange production, despite the issues the industry has faced lately with weather and other challenges.  For this crop, the value increased 15.4 percent from $1.3 billion in sales in 2011 to $1.5 billion in sales in 2012. The overall economic impact of agriculture in Florida for 2012 exceeded $100 billion.  That’s something to talk about.

The other article I mentioned was titled Agriculture Still a Rock Star in Florida, by the Sunshine News. In this article, Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam, said, “When Europeans first settled in Florida in 1513, they produced just enough food to feed themselves,” said Putnam. “Florida agriculture has grown exponentially over the past five centuries. Nearly 48,000 farms on more than 9 million acres grow 300 different products. The industry contributes more than $100 billion to our state’s economy and supports 2 million jobs.”

I encourage you to share this good news with your fellow Floridians, and this weekend, make something delicious featuring some fresh Florida produce.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]