If you spend any time online, you will agree there are so many free resources available to us as consumers.  The challenge is sifting through all the information and grabbing what is relevant to us as an individual.  What you see most of online is called content marketing and brands and businesses of all sizes use content marketing to build relationships with their audience.  The content is valuable and free. 

We as consumers, come across relevant content, and the brands hope we start using it.  Even our Florida Department of Agriculture follows this strategy with the Fresh From Florida content.  They have identified their target audience and are giving us free content to hopefully engage us in the agricultural industry.  Our office is engaged.  We post a recipe from this website every week on our business Facebook page.

We are Florida agriculture advocates, so sharing about the many contributions the industry makes to our state and communities is important to us.  The Fresh From Florida website offers incredible recipes featuring Florida’s popular foods.  The recipes are inspired by Chef Justin Timineri.  The site offers video tutorials, and nearly 400 in depth recipes with detailed cooking instructions, and many healthy selections. There is also a wide selection of recipes featuring Florida’s seasonal foods like strawberries and blueberries.

Take a look through the Fresh From Florida recipes and send us your favorite. We’ll share it on our Facebook page.