My Most Influential Professor: Army Drill Sergeant John Henry

February 15th, 2021|Comments Off on My Most Influential Professor: Army Drill Sergeant John Henry

I graduated from college a full year early, spent the summer working the night shift at ButterKrust Bakery in Lakeland and went to the University of Florida [...]

An Unfortunate First

January 18th, 2021|Comments Off on An Unfortunate First

Like many of you, I studied civics in 9th grade and American history in 11th grade. We were taught the history of the second war with England known as [...]

The Spirit of Christmas Is a Gift to All

December 15th, 2020|Comments Off on The Spirit of Christmas Is a Gift to All

At times, Christianity seems to focus more on “shouldn’t” as opposed to “should,” or “can’t” as opposed to “can.” Positivity over pessimism is hard work. This holiday [...]

Where are the Peacekeepers?

November 12th, 2020|Comments Off on Where are the Peacekeepers?

Peacekeeper has been defined as a mediator, a parent, a restorer of civility and, out West, a [...]

Voting Is a Privilege and a Duty

October 13th, 2020|Comments Off on Voting Is a Privilege and a Duty

Thomas Jefferson was fanatical about the decentralization of the Federal government, writing other than a military and [...]

Six Thousand Points Of Light

July 14th, 2020|Comments Off on Six Thousand Points Of Light

The week of June 10, the 29,000 members of Florida FFA and their advisors pulled off an [...]

When Opposing Points of View Can Both Be Right

June 11th, 2020|Comments Off on When Opposing Points of View Can Both Be Right

Our office began litigating the causes of environmental events, be it by human kind or Mother Nature, [...]


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