The organic agriculture industry is booming in the U.S. and around the globe, despite the fact that conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables are as safe and as healthy as their organic counterparts. Some in the produce business might perceive the organic industry as an opponent or adversary, but the truth of the matter is that organics offer additional opportunities for those in Agriculture, especially rural, family-owned farmers that might not be able to always compete with larger operations.

The USDA recently announced that the U.S. has entered into an partnership with Switzerland whereby each country’s organics can be sold in the other country’s markets. It promises to encourage growth in each nation’s organic industry. In the U.S. the organic industry is already one that boasts over 19,000 businesses and nearly $40 billion in retail sales.  Surely some of those numbers include the increase in purchases that SNAP participants have made at farmer’s markets and the like in the last few years. In short, if you provide healthy, tasty fruits and vegetables, consumers will buy them!

While conventional producers may have initially seen organics as both an enemy and a judgement, they should definitely now see the industry as a burgoiuning niche market that offers additional opportunities for those in Ag sectors.