If we say, “Florida Agriculture” what springs to mind? Probably oranges, blueberries, strawberries or corn. All the delicious things that can get your stomach rumbling. But agriculture’s beauty isn’t belly deep! She gives us many other benefits that often go unnoticed. Take a look at what Florida Agriculture is busy doing for you while you enjoy your days and rest at night.

  1. Impacts Florida’s economy by $100 billion.
  2. Fills the U.S. demand for oranges by 70%.
  3. Ranks first in some other crops too like grapefruit, fresh snap beans, sweet corn, watermelons, fresh cucumbers, fresh market tomatoes, squash and sugarcane.
  4. She is home to 47,000 farms.
  5. Most of the farm owners are 60 years old, but a large group of millennials is changing that.
  6. Florida Agriculture producers export about $4 billion in products each year.

As we enter the beautiful Florida fall season, why not start planning your evening barbecues with some fresh Florida grown produce? Your friendly farmers have been hard at work for you.