In our line of work, we often are first introduced to people during a time of need and dismay.  Most of our clients are farmers.  Our office represents farmers as the plaintiff’s lawyer, and often our claims are against large companies, like chemical companies.  The law involves establishing a personal relationship.  Attorneys stay with clients for months, and in some cases years.  Establishing a trusting relationship is critical to our success.  Because of this, we have established many longstanding relationships and friendships, for which we are very thankful.

Thanksgiving is next week.  It’s during this time of giving thanks that we can all reflect on how important our professional relationships are and send a word of thanks to all of those who help along the journey.  Our industry relies on assistance and information from many sources, so we come in contact with many people.  But we are all tied together, and we are working under the common goal of helping find justice for the client.

Our heartfelt thanks go out to all of the businesses and partners who have assisted us this year, to our clients who trust us in their time of need and to our community for its longtime support.  It’s a pleasure to serve our wonderful community. Thank you for allowing us.

We wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.