Agriculture Tool, Old Farmer’s Almanac Calls for Some Nasty Weather This Winter

By |2015-08-20T11:19:52-04:00August 20th, 2015|Agriculture, Community|

The age-old Agriculture tool, The Old Farmer’s Almanac has been around since 1792 predicting the weather and charting natural events like the tides and the cycles of the moon to keep those in Agriculture and folks in general in the know. Even in this technology-driven age we live in, The Old Farmer’s Almanac’s forecasts and [...]

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Is greening destroying the beloved Florida orange?

By |2018-11-13T08:52:25-05:00June 26th, 2014|Agriculture, Business|

A recent segment on Tampa Bay’s FOX News grabbed my attention. Florida citrus growers face insurmountable odds and have for years. They battle freezes (yes, even in Florida), extreme droughts, and yearly hurricanes. Some years are worse than others, but growers are so proficient at the process, they know what needs to be done and [...]

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What you might not know about Florida agriculture

By |2018-11-13T08:52:28-05:00October 28th, 2013|Agriculture, Business|

When we think of Florida, we think of pristine beaches and miles and miles of coastline.  Perhaps we also think of Disney World, Nascar and Football.  We certainly think of vacations and relaxation.  When we think of Florida agriculture, the first thing to come to mind is what? The famous Florida orange.  But, what you [...]

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