Florida Strawberry Growers Get a Boost with Program

By |2016-02-29T12:30:49-05:00February 29th, 2016|Agriculture, Business|

As a guest columnist for Central Florida Ag News magazine, this article of mine was recently published in the February 2016 edition. If you’ve been anywhere near a grocery store produce section in the last few years, then you’ve likely seen the “Fresh From Florida” label on everything from strawberries and oranges to chicken and [...]

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Farm Diversification Options for Florida Citrus Producers

By |2018-11-13T08:52:22-05:00January 16th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Farming and ranching are ventures fraught with pitfalls, and Florida has its fair share of difficulties and hardships. Considering factors such as fickle weather that can be hot as a furnace, dry as a bone, wet as a fish or downright dangerous, and Florida’s host of pathogens and pests, being in agriculture in Florida is [...]

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The Details of the Florida Legacy Bill

By |2015-12-05T12:30:38-05:00December 5th, 2015|Agriculture, Community, Law|

The Florida Everglades encompass thousands of square miles of South Florida real estate that are vastly important to the Sunshine State. Water flows south from Central Florida in a “River of Grass,” essentially recycling and recharging the water and providing a unique ecosystem for hundreds of different species, many of them endangered. However, the Everglades once [...]

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Try these Ag Apps to Improve Your Farm or Ranch

By |2018-11-13T08:52:22-05:00November 14th, 2015|Agriculture, Business, Education|

Agriculture is steeped in history and tradition, but it also utilizes technology to improve, increase production and stay relevant in a global market. Apps simply require a smartphone—which are now pretty inexpensive these days and can be useful in the field—and many will work with computers as well. Try these apps to improve your agribusiness: [...]

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Beware the Creepy-Crawlies of the Florida Ag industry

By |2018-11-13T08:52:23-05:00October 30th, 2015|Uncategorized|

If you live in Florida, and work in the Florida ag industry or enjoy nature, then you’re likely used to creepy-crawly things like bugs, arachnids and various reptiles. The tropical nature of Florida’s climate certainly invites a broad spectrum of snakes, spiders and other less-than-welcome creatures. Compared with other states, it seems Florida gets the [...]

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Florida Agriculture Attacks the Giant, Invasive African Snail

By |2015-09-10T13:00:35-04:00September 10th, 2015|Agriculture, Business|

There’s no denying that Florida has great tropical weather featuring a lot of sunshine that’s advantageous for Agriculture, tourism and outdoor recreation. However, all those weather and climate-related characteristics about the Sunshine State that reel in vacationers in droves also attract more than a fair share of nasty diseases and pests. Those pests then attack [...]

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The Rescue Dogs That Protect Florida’s Billion Dollar Agriculture Industry

By |2015-08-12T10:43:36-04:00August 12th, 2015|Agriculture, Business, Community|

Man’s best friend has long been a trusted hand on the farm or ranch, but did you know that a group of lovable canines also work hard every day at the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, FDACS, to protect the Sunshine State’s $120-billion dollar industry?  Five different dogs utilize their sensitive noses and [...]

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Citrus Study Offers Lesson in “Irresponsible Science’

By |2015-07-02T20:50:36-04:00July 2nd, 2015|Agriculture, Business, Education|

Science is a beloved aspect of Agriculture, as it has long influenced Agriculture in such a positive way. A shining example of Science’s positive impact would be all the research that is ongoing on curing Citrus Greening. From Biology to Chemistry to Earth Science, Science has helped Agriculture to grow and raise more food with [...]

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Fertilizers: Agriculture’s Foundation

By |2018-11-13T08:52:23-05:00June 25th, 2015|Agriculture|

The availability of information in this digital age has made it very easy to spread facts and data. However, it also makes it very easy to spread misinformation as well. When it comes to some Ag topics—such as fertilizers—the misinformation runs a bit deeper. […]

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To Bee or Not to Bee: Florida’s #1 Pollinator is on the Rise

By |2018-11-13T08:52:23-05:00May 27th, 2015|Agriculture, Community|

We’ve all heard the bad news about declining bee populations and the dire predictions that accompany the loss of Nature’s #1 pollinator. In short, plants need pollinators like bees, butterflies, moths and birds to reproduce, so the absence of pollinators means that plants can’t produce the fruits, vegetables and seeds we humans need to eat. [...]

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