Agriculture is steeped in history and tradition, but it also utilizes technology to improve, increase production and stay relevant in a global market. Apps simply require a smartphone—which are now pretty inexpensive these days and can be useful in the field—and many will work with computers as well.

Try these apps to improve your agribusiness:

Ag Apps for Markets

agExchange. Stay up-to-date on world ag markets.

agIndex. Stay up-to-date on ag markets and more.

Growers Edge. Focuses on local markets.

Apps for Planting

Pioneer Field360 Plantability. This app gives you planter setting recommendations and more for your corn seed.

ImPlant-Field. For iPhone only.

Apps for Chemicals, Pesticides, Mixing and More

Tank Mix Calculator. Get mix measurements for over 14,000 chemicals based on your operation’s acreage, tank size and more.

TankMix by DuPont. For iPhone only.

Pesticide and Field Records. Keeps records of your applications and field records, as offered by Iowa State University.

Manure Valuator. Offered by the University of Arkansas, it lets you know the cost of fertilizer, how much to apply to your fields and more.

Apply Yourself. Works with Agri-Inject pumps for applications.

Apps for Equipment

JD Link. Get alerts, machine information, maintenance data and more for John Deere equipment.

Apps for Ag Info

Weed Spotter. This app by Bayer CropScience utilizes photos and descriptions of over 100 weeds.

ID Weeds. By the University of Missouri’s College of Agriculture.

Farming Simulator. Take farming for a test drive with any number of simulator apps.

Apps for Ag News

USDA News Reader. Stay abreast of news out of the USDA.

SF Plus. Offered by Successful Farming magazine.

There are many more ag-related Apps that you can use to improve your ag operation, help things run smoother and to keep better records. Search the App site for your smartphone—Android or iPhone—download it and go.